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WTO/TBT Enquiry Point

Enquiry point

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Technical Barriers to Trade (WTO/TBT)

Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade

By Decision of the Croatian Government of September 24, 1998, the official Enquiry point on technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures was established within the State Office of Standardization and Metrology. In accordance with the Regulation on the Establishment of the Croatian Standards Institute of 1 July 2005, the activities of WTO/TBT enquiry point take place within the Croatian Standards Institute.

The key objective of the Enquiry point is to enhance the implementation of the WTO/TBT Agreement (Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade).

The main task of the enquiry point is to notify the WTO Secretariat on the technical regulations and standards that are in force in Croatia.

On request the Enquiry point provides to the interested WTO Members information and documentation on:
  • All the effective technical regulations in Croatia
  • All the effective Croatian standards
  • The membership and participation of the Republic of Croatia in the international and regional standardizing bodies, the systems of conformity assessment and the unilateral and multilateral agreements, under the TBT Agreement
HZN e-glasilo 2/2025
Službeno glasilo Hrvatskoga zavoda za norme (HZN e-glasilo) izlazi mjesečno (Odluka). Kao prilog službenomu glasilu nalazi se Oglasnik za normativne dokumente s podacima o rezultatima rada hrvatske, međunarodne i europske normizacije.

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