Preskočite na glavni sadržaj

Sale of standards

HZN sells Croatian normative documents, international normative documents (ISO, IEC) and normative documents of national and sectoral standardization organizations with which it has concluded sales contracts (DIN, DIN VDE, BSI, ASTM) on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. It also mediates in the procurement of normative documents of other organizations for standardization through authorized distributors in accordance with valid price lists and signed contracts (see the Price list of standards and services).
All HZN publications are protected by copyright.
How can I order a standard?

Please fill out the Order form for normative documents and/or publications () and send it to

Information on the prices of Croatian standards can be found here.

For more information please call +385 1 610 60 52 or send a fax to +385 1 610 93 25
HZN e-glasilo 2/2025
Službeno glasilo Hrvatskoga zavoda za norme (HZN e-glasilo) izlazi mjesečno (Odluka). Kao prilog službenomu glasilu nalazi se Oglasnik za normativne dokumente s podacima o rezultatima rada hrvatske, međunarodne i europske normizacije.

HZN e-glasilo obrađuje teme iz normizacije i donosi novosti iz HZN-a te međunarodnih i europskih normirnih tijela...
Članovi smo
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