HZN is an independent and non-profit public institution established as a national standardization body of the Republic of Croatia. We bring together experts from various fields who, through their membership and active participation in the work of technical committees, contribute to the development of Croatian standardization and the promotion of the voluntary application of standards in the Republic of Croatia.
Through its membership in international and European organizations, HZN ensures the permanent availability of international and European standards in the Republic of Croatia and the right to their acceptance at the national level, but also the right to Croatian representatives to participate in the development of standards at the international and European level.
The official bulletin of the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN Glasilo) is issued every two months. It contains Announcements of normative documents with data on the results of Croatian, international and European standardization.
HZN Glasilo bulletin deals with standardization topics and brings news from HZN and international and European standards bodies...